Music brings us together, regardless of generations, and at Rhythms and Vinyls we invite you to celebrate it by promoting cultural diversity. Bring your favorite vinyls and, under expert guidance, create unique musical mixes that combine traditional and modern music.

At the dance workshops you will learn both traditional and modern dance steps, facilitating collaboration and learning between young and old. We will celebrate Timisoara's cultural traditions through intergenerational folk dances and interethnic folk music performances, strengthening community bonds.

By participating, you'll develop musical and dance skills, and learn to appreciate local musical and cultural diversity. Come and enjoy an experience full of rhythm and good cheer, at the end of which you will have a greater appreciation of local musical diversity and culture.

The workshop is part of FIG - InterGenerational Festival which promotes intergenerational collaboration and cultural exchange, strengthening solidarity and social inclusion in Timisoara.