Do you want to be part of a huge running tour in the name of Timisoara?

Tura Celebrate Timisoara proposes several simultaneous running laps, open to all runners who want to. In order to be accessible to as many people as possible, the start will be on August 18, at 7.30 pm, from four different points in the city: Maria Bridge (Porto Arte), UPT Sports Center 1, Nora Restaurant (40 Dâmbovița Boulevard), Botanic Park (gazebo). All the groups will meet at 20.00 in the Civic Park and will park on a common route until the final point: I.C.Brătianu Boulevard.

The distance covered and the running speed are adapted to the fitness level of the participants, the laps are addressed to the general public from the age of 10 (minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian).

The running tempo will be a light one that can be adopted by all participants, so you just have to want to!