Have you ever wondered how imbalanced relationships form?

Community life is like a game of interactions. Each of us has the freedom of our own choices, but we are influenced by those around us. Why do we choose certain paths and how do they intersect? - These are all thoughts behind the production Falling grounds | performative intervention.

The flashmob-like intervention talks about the psycho-social dynamics in the community. Our environment influences our movements and decisions, and our psychological imbalances are often invisible. We move on, unaware that someone is noticing and reacting.

No fall is permanent. There is always someone who sees you and adapts. We can count on others or we can take our own path despite the turbulence. With all the falls and recoveries, we continue our individual journey, but always connected, constantly changing and reconfiguring.

If you're ready to be part of this game of community, we look forward to you joining Falling grounds | performative intervention!